Saturday, November 21, 2009

New Look!

Welcome to my new looking blog for Shop4UniqueGifts.

I have so many irons in the fire, ever feel that way, I feel like I am in a time warp zone going from one project to another. Really I think I rather like it that way and feel guilty if nothing is going on. That's me full of ideas it never stops. I once had a dream about popcorn with melted chocolate poured all over it.

Now I am not one to go looking up what your dreams mean but this one was really bizarre and I had to find out what it meant. Popcorn meant that I have a lot of ideas just popping away, lol and the chocolate meant that I want to indulge myself hmmmm. Oh well enough of that on to the business at hand.
I have a few other blogs and I received a great comment on one of my blogs that leads me to this blog post today.

Hi there, your blog was on yahoo hot topics top 10 and i thought let me check out the website for knowledge gain and also to know why its one of the top 10 topic. Honestly speaking I never knew so much is happening regard this subject. I read the whole article on your site and i must say that me and my husband loved reading your post. We bookmarked your website for future reference. Thanks a lot

I style="color: #444444;"> was so floored. I couldn't believe it. I didn't know what to feel and thought oh this is spam. Looking further into my blog, behind the scenes I found that it wasn't spam. There was only an email link nothing else. No shameless plug to get reciprocal links blah blah blah.
A genuine comment. I smiled because this is something that I have spoken about in workshops, articles etc that I have shared with the members of my eBay group Starting2Sell. It's all about value and what you can do to bring value to a person's world. Value is perceived, measured and obtained differently to people. 
Not only is the a fore mentioned a factor but it changes constantly depending on the need of the person seeking the value. If we can hone in on that at some point we have a winner.
Just as the example in the above comment ,my blog post was ready for those readers at that time it feed their need for more information about a subject they were looking on the net about. My blog was there to help them solve their problem. This brought value to them and now they are bookmarked blog readers.
This chart below gives a great visual representation of what I am talking about. Bottom line no matter what each what the business or the individual (customer or buyer), they have to meet at some point to so both can benefit via the ROI (Return on Investment the sale, or service) for the company and experience for the individual. This equals the value.

I know what it feels like to have something bring value to my world and make that connection.

This is what we as eBay sellers and online marketers should be striving and thinking about constantly in our business. What value am I going to bring to someone out there today?

I hope that I have brought value to you in this post towards helping you understand just how important value is.

Learn Lots! :)

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