Sunday, November 29, 2009

What is up with the Midwest?

Just what is up with the Midwest over the past few days. I mean Black Friday was explosive in the Midwest for eBay sales. I was absolutely shocked to know that more spending on eBay was happening in the Midwest.

Ebay produced this heat map to illustrate such... See the upper right of this blog.

This is pretty kewl and of course very eye opening. I can only imagine what Cyber Monday will add to this map for eBay sales. One thing is for sure if you are a seller stocking your store and getting more listings available for those buyers is something that you should be focusing on. I also read that Dec 5 - 15th is also a time when holiday sales gain more momentum so there is some time to get listing but not much.

Good Luck eBay sellers with your listing endeavors.

Learn Lots!

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