Monday, December 21, 2009

Keeping Calm during the holiday!

This is the time of the year where all online sellers including eBay seller'seb patience are tried and stretched. Between the shipping and the increase amounts of items selling off their shelves it's a wonder we are able to keep our heads above water.

As I was listing this item below. This post came to mind. Just smile and you will get through it.

With an increase in unpaid bidders during this time, tracking issues etc tempers and impatientness can be standing right next to us. Look at the t-shirt again and smile it works!

Remain professional and focused is the key and smile when you are filling out that unpaid bidder report, that refund, that email to inform that payment is due. It will show you to be a true professional person. 

Yep we  might be temped to just shake and break something but wait oh yeah, SMILE!

If you need a visual this might help. Keep smiling it's only for a short period and we should be smiling to the bank!

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