This is great news. If you aren't familiar with one of the most influential tech blogs called TechCrunch well let me introduce you to a blog that is well written in content. I have been a reader for sometime and talk about bringing great value to the reader with content.
As they say in blogging content is key. TechCrunch has added a new widget that allows the website owner or blogger owner to add their widget with TechCrunch as a way of saying thank you will reciprocate in kind with a link from their blog.
This is wonderful if you understand anything about backlinking and how important this is for SEO with Google then we have hit the jackpot and all it cost is placing their widget on your website or blog.
If you have done your homework about the blog you would definitely want to have them link to you.
In my research I found a few things that sold me. First their Alexa rating is 409 on a scale of 1000 the higher the number the more authority you pull as a blog. Their Google page ranking is 8/10 meaning they have many back links as a matter of fact as of this posting date they are currently serving 22,600 backlinks. Backlinks are other blogs, articles etc on the net that link to TechCrunch.
Read the Full Story HERE
The API..
Per Wikipedia... an API is a application programming interface (API) is an interface that a software program implements in order to allow other software to interact with it, much in the same way that software might implement a user interface in order to allow humans to use it
was released in 7-08. I totally missed it but then maybe it wasn't time for me to value and use it to it's full potential until now. Now for those readers that are more versed than I am on SEO and backlinking feel free to jump on in and give us more food for thought.
Finally for me the biggie is the widget called CrunchBase that can be customized to research and inform whomever about different tech personalities and services etc that you want. There are companies that are listed in the drop down menu for you to choose.
Remember me talking about value this is where TechCrunch seals the deal for me. The widget in my customization can be targeted to a certain niche market. My blog is mostly about eBay as well as other online marketing venues. I was able to customize the widget to include eBay items including Pierre Omyidar (the creator of Ebay).
Now as my readers yes that includes you come to my blog the widget is present and when there are updates TechCrunch will update the widget for those categories.
Value strikes again! TechCrunch has allowed me to bring value to my readers with needed information that I have customized to target said readers. Here is another gem
CrunchBase is a Teckipedia, lol a free directory of technology companies, people, and investors that anyone can edit just as in Wikipedia. Of course they have to approve your submission but think if you do get the chance then you now have another way to link to them. Bringing you more authority with backlinks on your blog and in Google's eyes that is lovely!
By the by here is mine cool huh?
So I would check them out for sure and place the widget on your blog and start the backlink train to value for your fan base.
Learn Lots! :)
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